About Us

The Refuge of Hope was birthed out of the ministry & church of Calvary Chapel Cajabamba.
An orphanage that will serve to bring refuge, safety, and comfort to children who never experienced such commodities.

The Refuge of Hope was birthed out of the ministry & church of Calvary Chapel Cajabamba.
An orphanage that will serve to bring refuge, safety, and comfort to children who never experienced such commodities.

Back in April of 2013, my wife and I were sent out along with another missionary, to Cajabamba, Peru to plant a church. We arrived excited to start a church & share the gospel but with no agenda of our own.

Back in April of 2013, my wife and I were sent out along with another missionary, to Cajabamba, Peru to plant a church. We arrived excited to start a church & share the gospel but with no agenda of our own.
After a few months of planting the church in Cajabamba & getting to know people, we started receiving calls of abandoned babies left at our local hospitals & police stations. They would call us so that we could bring food, milk, clothing, cribs, diapers, etc. We started to help with the little we had. Soon we weren’t just getting calls for little babies, we were getting calls to help women beaten to death recovering in the hospital; teenagers raped by a brother, cousin, or dad; and children undergoing domestic violence. The local authorities began asking for our help more and more & we saw an opportunity to offer up our homes for these victims who had nowhere to go. As much of a blessing as it was to be able to house these victims temporarily, it wasn’t enough.
We had no idea the extent of this injustice when we first arrived but living here and ministering in our community has opened our eyes to a huge need. As I mentioned, most of these kids leave our temporary housing and are put into an orphanage or a relative is given custody. The orphanages here in Peru are overrun. There’s not enough space for more kids & unfortunately, due to that reason, most kids fall through the cracks and are not given the attention they need, which leads to delinquency, drugs & alcohol addictions, & prostitution.
As a church, God provided us with land in a nearby community six years ago. A community named Colcas wanted to offer a piece of their lands to help the children in our city & they chose us, Calvary Chapel Cajabamba, to make that a reality. The land, as of this year, is in the church’s name and we have begun to build the Refuge of Hope. This property will have several individual homes that will house a couple that will take care of eight to ten children. These children will have the opportunity to be adopted or sponsored. Our goal is to not only provide for the physical needs, but also for the emotional and spiritual needs of these children. Aside from receiving three meals a day, going to school, having a roof over their heads, and clothing on their backs, they will be able to learn and experience what an actual family should be; they will be able to receive therapy sessions to be able to heal from their past traumas; and most importantly, they will be able to learn about the love of Jesus Christ.
We would love to be able to work together in whatever capacity the Lord opens the doors for. We need first and foremost prayer. Then we also need materials, resources, training, manpower, funds, etc.
This project requires a team effort, and we know that where the Lord guides, He provides.
And they came, everyone whose heart stirred him, and everyone whose spirit moved him, and brought the Lord’s contribution to be used for the tent of meeting, and for all its service, and for the holy garments.
– Exodus 35:21. We trust in the Lord to move in our hearts and to show us the best way to make this vision a reality.
This project requires a team effort, and we know that where the Lord guides, He provides.

And they came, everyone whose heart stirred him, and everyone whose spirit moved him, and brought the Lord’s contribution to be used for the tent of meeting, and for all its service, and for the holy garments.

– Exodus 35:21. We trust in the Lord to move in our hearts and to show us the best way to make this vision a reality.